L'American Psychological Association si occupa da tempo di counseling e di psicoterapia on line e ha realizzato, già nel 2015, una pagina dedicata agli utenti per informarli sui vantaggi e sulle possibilità, positive e/o negative, di un trattamento psicologico effettuato on line.
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Riportiamo qui, a vantaggio dei nostri visitatori, alcune frasi tratte da quella pagina e il link per raggiungerla e conoscere quelle che sono le indicazioni della più grande organizzazione al mondo nel campo della Psicologia.
Ci impegniamo, progressivamente, a tradurre il materiale presente a vantaggio di coloro che hanno qualche difficoltà con la lingua inglese, in modo che tutti possano usufruirne pienamente.
What you need to know before choosing online therapy
Become an informed consumer of telepsychology services—learn factors to take into account when considering online therapy and explore additional resources.
With the click of a mouse or the tap of an app, you can have instant and inexpensive access to a therapist, or so make the claims of many new tools and technologies that want to take psychotherapy out of the therapist’s office and into whatever location you are connected to the Internet. Using the Web can be convenient for the many people who are comfortable using the Internet and looking for help.
But before you sign up, log in, and start chatting, there are points to consider about telepsychology.
Psychologists commonly refer to any therapy delivered by telecommunication tools or devices as telepsychology. You may hear it called Web therapy, phone therapy, text therapy or online therapy. Anytime you’re interacting with a psychologist using a website, a phone or a mobile app, you could be taking part in telepsychology services.
Technology can contribute to an evolution in how people receive psychotherapy or work with a psychologist. Researchers are taking great interest in telepsychology and telehealth, evaluating how well it works, especially compared to in-person, in-office psychotherapy sessions. But much like the technology, the research is still new, and there is a lot science doesn’t yet know.
There are a few points to consider before signing up for any services that are offered exclusively online or by telephone.
Questo il link alla pagina completa: https://www.apa.org/topics/online-therapy
(tratto dal sito dell'American Psychological Association - APA) www.apa.org